Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thank you Whole Foods!

We are thrilled to learn that Whole Foods will be donating nearly $6,000 to the garden from their recent %5 Day!!!! We hope to use this money to purchase a greenhouse, which will extend our growing season. We are also exploring better student seating and a partnership with Cultivating Community. To learn more about the greenhouse we are considering visit For more information about Cultivating Community go to

Thursday, September 23, 2010

WOW!!!!! Our fall harvest was a HUGE success!

We raised over 140 pounds of potatoes, and over 220 pounds of carrots this summer!!!!!! The food we grew will be served in hot lunches district-wide during Maine Harvest Lunch. All excess will be donated to the Wayside Soup Kitchen. Thanks to the many hands and heads who helped make this happen.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26th: Potatoes

This is just how we're supposed to look. Really! Our tops are dying, but under the dirt our roots are making potatoes. Soon we will be ready to dig (and eat!).

August 26th: 3 Sisters Garden

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Potatoes Are In!

Thanks to everyone who helped make our Green Day celebration a huge success! With the help of parent volunteers our students planted some 160 potato plants!!!!!! It was so much fun watching the kiddoes get their hands dirty. And they were so excited to know they will get a chance to eat what they planted in their hot lunches this fall!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Green Day in the Garden

Join us Thursday, May 20th from 3-5 pm in the garden for Longfellow's second annual Green Day celebration. There will be live music, demonstrations, and information on easy ways to incorporate eco-friendly practices into your everyday life. Students will also have an opportunity to help plant potatoes in the raised vegetable beds. If all goes as planned, these potatoes will be harvested in the fall and served in students' hot lunches in conjunction with Maine Harvest Lunch!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Healthy Portland Garden Grant

We're excited to announce that the Learning Garden had just received a $706 from the Healthy Portland Garden Initiative (! The funds will enable us to make much needed improvements to our raised vegetable beds, and to install an irrigation system in the raised beds and the kinderbed. Thank you Healthy Portland for this exciting opportunity!